Day 31 :: 31 Days With Mary—Gratitude
I can hardly believe I made it! Thirty-one straight days of writing about one of my favorite topics, the Blessed Mother, in one of my favorite months, October, the month of the Rosary.
Today is Halloween, and it is busy! I talked about busyness yesterday, and I pondered how Mary would have handled it. We are gearing up for a fall birthday party with Greg’s side of the family, followed by trick-or-treating on this rainy Halloween. This morning, I am just getting back from a gluten-free/allergy-free cookie class, and Greg is taking two daughters to theater.
I have a lot to do before the party begins, and so this series won’t end with a bang. But it will end with praise and thanksgiving: Thank you, Lord, for sharing Your mother with us. And thank you, Mary, for being a mother to me.
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
On the day, O beautiful Mother,
On this day we give thee our love.
Near they, Madonna, fondly we hover,
Trusting thy gentle care to prove.
On this day we ask to share,
Dearest Mother, thy sweet care.
Aid us ere our feet astray
Wander from they guiding way.
Queen of angels, deign to hear
Lisping children’s humble pray’r,
Young hearts gain, O virgin pure,
Sweetly to thyself allure.