Gratitude: The Virtue of Togetherness
Today is Day 10 of Resetting the Rhythms of Life, and our focus is gratitude.
Often, when we feel weary or imbalanced, everything can overwhelm us. The calendar looks too full and our inbox is overflowing. But the refrigerator is empty, because the week was too busy for a grocery trip. We can feel like failures, because we can’t seem to keep it together. And yes, this affects our loved ones.
Today, let’s pause in this moment.
Let’s not try to fix the things that are going wrong … Let’s just trust that for today, they are in the good hands of Jesus. Instead, let’s focus on what we are grateful for … right here, right now.
It is my theory that when we open our hearts to gratitude, the swirl around us calms … and we feel more connected to God, our family, and our friends.
Let’s give it a try …
Scripture Reading
Take a few moments to quiet your heart. Breathe in and out.
Read today’s Scripture verse.
“I thank my God every time I remember you …” —Philippians 1:3
After reading the verse once, read it one or two more times.
What stands out to you? A word, feeling, thought …
Journal Prompt
In the midst of your weariness and moments of being overwhelmed, what are you grateful for? What are the blessings in your life?
Think specifically of your loved ones. How are you thankful for them?
Spend time in prayer, focusing not on what is lacking in your life, but what (or who) is right in front of you.
Reflect upon how this exercise in gratitude makes you feel … Does it change how you perceive the present moment of your life?
Closing Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank You for all that You have given me. Even when life feels overwhelming and imbalanced, I am grateful for the blessings You purposely place in my life. Today, I pray for the grace to keep an attitude of gratitude in my heart. So, that no matter what, I can find good in my life … Because You are good and are most deserving of my gratitude and love. Amen.
This is part of a 31-day series on resetting the rhythms of life. To read more about this series and see each day’s posts, click here. Photo: Unknown
2 thoughts on “Gratitude: The Virtue of Togetherness”
So needed this right now with some family problems I am facing. Thank you for your obedience in writing. I am thankful for you!
So hard … I will pray for the situation you are facing.
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