Peace: In the Present, Messy Moment
Today is Day 26, and we will continue our final theme on refreshing our homes. Sometimes, we don’t necessarily long for a picture-perfect home. What we long for is peace in the present moment, in the present state of our homes, in the mess, in the imperfect. We long for a sense of God’s presence with us in the midst of the here and now. Could it be that we can refresh our homes by refreshing our mindset, by choosing peace, refreshment, and rest—in this very moment—no matter what our homes look like? Hmmm … Let’s ponder that some more …
Pajama Days
At one point in my life, I had five children, 5 years old and younger, all underfoot. My oldest wasn’t even in preschool, when my twins were born. It was a busy time, but busy back then was different than today’s busy.
Today, we are out-and-about more. Back then, we stayed home more. Now, we are going in different directions. In the past, we did everything together.
As physically exhausting as those days were, I appreciated the very specific purpose I felt as a stay-at-home mom. There was peace within the chaos.
On most days, we had a fairly consistent routine: get dressed, eat breakfast, say morning prayer, do a few workbook pages or color. They ate snacks and napped. They played, while I worked on laundry. Etc.
Everyday was more or less the same. And admittedly, I liked the structure.
But maybe a little too much …
There were days when my children stayed in their pajamas until swimming lessons began at 1:30 p.m. There were times when playtime extended beyond the allotted time, because they were playing so nicely together. And, I remember anxiously wondering, “Is this OK? Should we be doing something else today, something more productive?”
The perfectionist in me wanted a well-oiled machine to operate. But I didn’t have that; I had (have) a family! And so I chose to be at peace with the imperfect, pajama-wearing days. I learned to delight in the forts and make-believe fun (even if it meant a big mess). I thanked God for a sink full of dirty dishes and beds that went unmade.
Because there was laughter coming from those forts. And sweet children wearing those pajamas. Because dirty dishes and unmade beds signified my Heavenly Father’s abundant provision to me.
I chose peace in the present moment of my home, in the imperfect mess, with those whom I loved most.
This is a lesson I learn and relearn, with each season of life.
Scripture Reading
Take a few moments to quiet your heart. Breathe in and out.
Read today’s Scripture verse.
“Peace be to you, and peace be to your house, and peace be to all that you have.” —2 Samuel 25:6
After reading the verse once, read it one or two more times.
What stands out to you? A word, feeling, thought …
Journal Prompt
What does peace mean to you? Are you experiencing it now? What does it feel like? How can you obtain it? (What conditions have to be met before you experience peace?)
If peace is hard for you to experience, can you recall a time when you felt it? What made you feel peaceful? How can you renew your peace of heart?
Peace does not mean tidy, decluttered, or clean. It doesn’t come only after everything is in it’s place. Peace surpasses all of that.
As you journal, ask the Lord to fill your heart with peace … to fill your home with peace.
Closing Prayer
Dear Lord, Thank you for the peace You give so freely, so generously. The type of peace that comes from You surpasses all understanding, for I can experience it, even in the midst of weariness, chaos, and imbalance. I pray for an abundant portion of peace today. I especially pray that I can find peace within my home, in this present moment. Amen.
This is part of a 31-day series on resetting the rhythms of life. To read more about this series and see each day’s posts, click here. Photo: Unsplash
One thought on “Peace: In the Present, Messy Moment”
Ah, for the love of Pajama Days!!! I miss those!
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