Don’t Ask More Than God Does
For awhile now, it has felt like I have been carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. At least my little corner of it.
As a wife, as a mother of six children, as a homemaker, I have realized that I put an incredible amount of pressure on myself to do it all. And to do it all really, really well.
Do you do this, too?
There is this unspoken, unwritten expectation that I put upon myself that is so high, that I very rarely meet it. If ever.
So what can a mom do? Join me over at CatholicMom.com, where I explore this topic and share what I am learning, in my latest article!
One thought on “Don’t Ask More Than God Does”
You are so right, Sarah. Trying to keep up with the world is not what God wants. Remember in last week's reading — he was the still, small voice? He wants us to be able to hear that voice and all these extra burdens we bring on prevent us from hearing him.
God bless you and happy Assumption.
PS I have part of your repairs done…moving slowly, but I'll get there.
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