Day 1: #31Days—Welcome to One Mom’s Journey With Dyslexia
The month of October has always been special to me. For one thing, I love the fall season, and in October, autumn is in full swing. Also, fifteen years ago this October, I said, “I do,” to the most wonderful man in my world, and we began a beautiful and blessed life together.
Last October, I shared on my blog how the month of October is dedicated to the Rosary in the Catholic tradition, through my series 31 Days With Mary. I linked up with other bloggers in a tradition called #Write31Days. For the past few years, bloggers have come together in October for a 31-day writing challenge, founded by The Nester, Myquillin Smith.
This year, I have decided to join the challenge again, focusing on something else that is important in October—and really every month of the year—and that is Dyslexia Awareness.
Dyslexia IS a journey—for the child who has it as well as for the entire family who walks with her. During the month of October, I will blog something about Dyslexia every day. It might be a book suggestion; a fun game to play as a family; a snippet about my own journey as a mom of a dyslexic child; or simply a Scripture quote to give hope and encouragement in the face of struggle.
I am not an expert in Dyslexia, but I am a mom whose heart aches when I see my daughter struggling and whose heart rejoices at the amazing progress she is making. It is my hope that through this series we can support each other in this journey, and I hope you will share your insights, so we can grow in greater awareness and appreciation together.
I hope you will join me on this month-long journey, and be sure to check out the hundreds (maybe thousands) of other bloggers who are participating in this writing challenge, too. All of us are linked up HERE, under our respective categories. Mine is Family Life. Each day’s blog post will link back to this landing page, so you are able to follow along with me throughout the month.
Welcome to my blog and to this blogging series! I hope that through this experience we can grow in greater awareness of Dyslexia—whether it affects us personally in our own family or perhaps in our circle of friends or school community.
For a complete list of topics and links, visit the landing page for 31 Days: One Mom’s Journey With Dyslexia or click the square image below.