Three Simple Ways to Honor Mary on Mother’s Day
As a mom, I look forward to a little pampering on Mother’s Day. Of course, I don’t expect lavish gifts or for my kids to wait on me while I lounge around eating truffles. Rather, I look forward to seeing the excitement they have to give generously. Their handmade cards are filled with love, and I can see the effort they put into them. They are excited to shop for brunch ingredients and flowers with Dad. It’s sweet and enduring, and no matter what the actual gift is, no matter what we eat or how we celebrate, their joyful involvement is priceless and perfect—the real gift.
As a daughter, I am blessed to celebrate my mom on Mother’s Day, too. Picking out a card and gift and taking her out for coffee bring me joy. My guess is that she feels the same way about me as I feel about my kids. It is the thought that counts. It is the effort that matters. It is the time together that is treasured.
No matter where this Mother’s Day finds you—whether it is among a flock of little children or in the quieter state of being an empty nester, whether you are with your own mother or you are missing her deeply—all of us have a special woman in our lives who we can honor and celebrate. And that woman is Our Blessed Mother, Mary.
As the Mother of Jesus and mother of all Christians, I can imagine Mary not wanting to make a fuss about the attention we give her. And at the same time, I can imagine her treasuring our simple efforts. And so let us leap at the chance to honor and celebrate this beautiful mother of ours. As St. Francis de Sales said, “Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence.”
To discover three simple ways we can honor Mary this Mother’s Day, please click over to the rest of my article at CatholicMom.com.