Coming Soon! A 31-Day Series to Reset the Rhythms of LIfe
Friends, I am excited to share what’s on the horizon for me and this space that I am blessed to share with you.
October is less than one week away. Can you believe it?
As I prepare to enter into my favorite month of the year, I desire to nest, to gather up my loved ones, and to stay in for the night. The coolness of the air, the darkening of the days, the longing for warm comfort foods all invite me inward. I long for time to slow down … or at least to not feel so hectic.
Is that even possible?
Maybe. I think it is!
October: A Month to Reset
This October, I have a renewed hope that I can finally catch my breath again. The new school year came in with a bang, and I have spent the month of September embracing new routines, long homework lists, and busy sports schedules. Even though the busyness has been the “good kind” of busy, life has still felt a little imbalanced. And my body, mind, and spirit could use some rest. Yes, I could use a chance to hit the reset button, reprioritize, and begin anew.
Could you use this, too?
Having seasons of busyness is not unusual. From time to time, most of us experience seasons when the rhythms of life get off track. Outside demands wrestle with our interior quest for order, and before we know it, life feels crazy.
Sometimes, we don’t even realize it is happening, until we wake up one morning and don’t recognize our life. We wonder, “When was the last time I prayed?” Or, “When was the last time we ate dinner as a family?”
At this point, it can be hard to restore things back to order.
Why? Because we are overwhelmed and too weary to be inspired.
Four Weeks to Reset the Rhythms of Life
That’s why this October, I’d like to spend some time resetting the rhythms of life. This month, I’d like to pause, breathe, and pray. I’d like to imagine how I’d like my days and weeks to flow, and then find simple ways to make that happen.
And I’d like to invite you to join me.
Beginning October 1, I am offering a 31-day series that will help us reset the rhythms of life. It will be a time to renew, reclaim, refocus, and refresh. Rooted in Scripture, each week will focus on one area of life: prayer, family, attention, and home.
By the end, our to-do lists won’t be complete, and our homes will not be 100% clutter-free. (At least mine won’t be!) But my hope is that we will encounter God in the present moment—no matter what moment we’re in. I hope we will feel unstuck, and no longer discouraged and overwhelmed. I pray that we find refreshment for our souls and peace for our minds. In the end, I trust that life will feel more ordered, and the rhythms of life will be restored.
The Plan
Each day, I will post a scripture quote, a guided journal prompt, and an inspiring image. I may reflect more here and there. The goal will be to carve out a few minutes per day praying with the scripture and journaling. If you ever miss a day, that’s OK. There is no shame here! You can access what you miss by returning to the landing page. Or you can simply pick up where you left off and keep moving along.
The Themes
Four Weeks to Reset the Rhythms of Life
October 1-7: Renew Your Prayer Life
October 8-14: Reclaim Family Time
October 15-21: Refocus Your Attention
October 22-28: Refresh Your Home
October 29-31: Wrap Up and a Look Forward
The Bonuses
If you subscribe to my email newsletter, you will receive FREE printables each week that go along with the themes. If you are interested in this, simply click HERE. I typically write my email friends once a week, so it’s not a lot of extra in your inbox—I promise!
I hope you will join me this October! As we reset life’s rhythms … together!
Photo: Unsplash
10 thoughts on “Coming Soon! A 31-Day Series to Reset the Rhythms of LIfe”
I look forward to following along.
Yay! I am glad you will be joining us, Barbie!
I love everything about this! So much yes and amen, and me, too!
Thanks, Karrilee.
Would love to be a part of this!
So glad you’ll be joining us, Donna!
Wonderful idea Sarah and such perfect timing. I definitely need ro reset. Thanks!
You’re welcome, Michele! Glad you’ll be joining us!
Hi, this sounds like a wonderful series. I signed up for your newsletter too. Be sure to linkup with us every at the #LMMLinkup each Monday morning at 9 a.m. You can share three of your posts each week.
Thanks, Mary. I’d be happy to link up. What is the website address for #LMMLinkup?
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