Attentive: Making Time for Prayer at Home
Today is Day 23 of Resetting the Rhythms of Life. As we continue our theme on home, I would like to reflect on how we pray within our homes …
Welcoming God Into My Home
In the quiet of the early morning, I tiptoe downstairs and make coffee. As it brews and I wake up, I gather my prayer book, Bible, journal, and favorite pen. I find a blanket to curl up underneath. With hot coffee in hand, I make myself comfortable on the overstuffed chair in my family room.
I open my prayer book to Morning Prayer, and I read the Psalms and other readings for the day. I read the Psalm slowly. One verse in particular resonates with me, so I underline it. I read the passage again, lingering on that one verse. Closing my eyes, I let God’s loving words wash over me. I converse with God about what’s on my heart and try to listen to His response. I feel His presence close …
Soon, the busyness of the day will begin. But I am grateful to begin my day with prayer. When I don’t, I can tell … My heart and home are simply not as peaceful.
But thankfully, morning isn’t the only time to pray at home. My family and I pray before meals, and we pray a Rosary together on Sunday nights. We welcome the Lord’s Day by lighting a candle and placing it near a sacred image.
Upon walking into my home, guests see a crucifix. I have incorporated Scripture into my décor, too.
It is good to be “attentive to the prayer that is made in this place” … and to welcome God into my home.
Scripture Reading
Take a few moments to quiet your heart. Breathe in and out.
Read today’s Scripture verse.
“Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayer that is made in this place. For now I have chosen and consecrated this house so that my name may be there forever; my eyes and my heart will be there for all time.” —2 Chronicles 7:15-16
After reading the verse once, read it one or two more times.
What stands out to you? A word, feeling, thought …
Journal Prompt
Do you pray at home? Do you have a dedicated prayer corner, or do you just pray wherever?
When you pray at home, is it usually during your own, personal prayer time? Do you pray with others at home, too? If so, how?
How does prayer in the home affect the “feeling” in the home? Do you notice that when you pray regularly at home, there is greater peace within the walls of your house?
When someone walks into your home, can she tell you are a woman of prayer? How do you decorate to reflect prayer, faith, and your love for the Lord?
Closing Prayer
Dear Lord, You are welcome here! I am grateful for your presence in my home. You always create an atmosphere of peace and security. Without you, it would feel less calm and more chaotic. Forgive me for the times when I am too busy and overwhelmed to turn to You … for the times when I try to take care of things myself. I pray for the grace to pray every day and be attentive to your presence in my heart and my home. Amen.
This is part of a 31-day series on resetting the rhythms of life. To read more about this series and see each day’s posts, click here. Photo: Unsplash