Survey Says: Sharing Your Thoughts
Welcome to Day 30 of Resetting the Rhythms of Life. Today’s post will be quite different than the ones I’ve written over the past four weeks. Why? Because today, it’s your turn!
After 29 days of praying with Scripture, reflecting on the rhythms of your life, and resting in all that God has for you in the present moment, I invite you to share your experience with this series.
Your feedback, thoughts, and ideas are so important to me. You inspired the creation of Resetting the Rhythms of Life in the first place … It was born out of your honest sharing with me!
As always, you can leave thoughts in the comment box below. But I also have drafted a survey, and I would love for you to fill it out. This will help me understand how you utilized this series, what aspects you enjoyed, what was missing, etc. Thank you for your participation in the survey … but especially in this series. I am grateful for you!
Click here for the survey!
Tomorrow, we wrap up Resetting the Rhythms of Life with a special gift … from me to you! (Yay!) This is part of a 31-day series on resetting the rhythms of life. To read more about this series and see each day’s posts, click here. Photo: Unsplash