Summer Fun: Simple Ideas to Enjoy the Season
School has been out for two weeks, and summer vacation is in full swing!
Upon beginning most summer seasons, I usually feel a bit anxious about the long break. I like the structure that the school year brings, and I don’t always have the wear with all to keep a steady rhythm flowing on my own.
We usually start out fairly strong with a loose schedule, time to read and review math, planned outings, and fun downtime. But that begins to unravel before Independence Day, and I find myself permitting too much television and iPad time.
Anyone else relate to this?
This summer feels different, though. My family needs the break, and I am welcoming it like never before.
I don’t have a great plan this summer. We are preparing to move in July, so I know we will be busy with that big project. But to fill in the gaps, I looked back on what has worked well for us in the past. I plan on incorporating those things into our summer routine to keep things fun and to avoid boredom.
Maybe these ideas will inspire your summer, too.
Keeping Your Sanity
Summer: Surviving with Mom’s Sanity Intact outlines a four-step approach to summer that hopefully decreases anxiety and increases joy.
Summer: Making a Plan, Keeping Your Sanity, and Having Fun is a go-to post with lots of great ideas, including encouraging the kids to help plan activities, boredom busters, and more. [Get the free printables mentioned in this post by joining my email community!]
Reading the Summer Away
Summer Reading: A List of Catholic Books for Kids includes entertaining and wholesome reads, arranged by age group.
5 Catholic Novels to Read This Summer is a list of books forĀ you! There is something for everyone here.
Keeping Faith Alive and Active
Faith-Based Ideas for a Fun Summer offers seven ideas to keep connected to our faith in fun ways over the summer months.
Living Life’s Lessons
Savoring Summer: 10 Things I Love About the Season shares some of my favorite simple pleasures of the summer months.
Six Things I Learned This Summer reflects back on the summer months of 2018. What I learned, discovered, and grew to appreciate.