Day 12: #Write 31—Let’s Play a Game
At the end of most tutoring sessions, my daughter’s tutor leaves a little time to play a game with her. It is especially fun to observe my little girl’s confidence soar as she wins a game! When a new concept she has just learned is part of the game, she lights up when she recognizes it.
There are several games available to reinforce the reading and spelling work a child is doing in tutoring and at school. Whether or not a child has Dyslexia, these games are fun, while still encouraging learning.
These games can be found online and are suitable for family game time. Some favorites include
Sound Game—These cards can be played as Go Fish or a matching game. It focuses on the consonant sounds and digraphs.
Short Vowel Game—These cards reinforce the five short vowels. Play as Go Fish or matching, or mix the vowels with the consonant cards.
Don’t Be Greedy—Cards include CVC words. Players try to collect cards before a “wild card” shows up.
My Turn, My Turn—Similar to Don’t Be Greedy, but the words include blends and other spelling rules. They are still single-syllable words.
Outlaw—Another similar “wild card” game, but this one includes common phrases with sight words.
More card games that work with the various levels of the Barton Reading & Spelling System can be found HERE.
More card games that focus on essential reading skills, including one that emphasizes Latin clues, can be found HERE.
There are some fun educational games available online or on an iPad, but I will save those for another day!
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