St. Martha’s Example of Feminine Strength and Expectant Faith

Have you ever been asked the question, “Are you a ‘Mary’ or a ‘Martha’”? It’s as if we are expected to choose one or the other. It’s also as if one is better than the other, for doesn’t Jesus say, “Mary has chosen the better part”? (Luke 10:42)
Many women identify with Martha more than Mary. After all, we see ourselves doing the same tasks that cause so much anxiety in Martha—cooking, cleaning, running errands, feeling busy with our long to-do lists. We can’t help but feel overwhelmed about all there is to do. When Jesus tells Martha that He won’t take away the better part from Mary, it can seem like He is displeased with Martha’s work, and His reprimand can pierce our hearts, too.
But today, on the Feast of St. Martha, I contemplate the two readings that involve Martha, Mary and Lazarus, and I see the story with fresh eyes. I focus my attention on Jesus and His interactions with Martha, rather than on trying to compare the sisters.
To read the rest of my reflection, please visit the WINE blog, where I discover the beautiful example of St. Martha’s feminine strength and expectant faith … And how we can connect with her receptivity, generosity and faith, as we take a closer look at her encounters with Jesus.
St. Martha, pray for us!