Advent Prayers for the Weary Woman
How are you spending Black Friday? I am looking toward this Sunday—the first Sunday of Advent! This weekend, my family and I will set up our Advent wreath, Jesse Tree, and manger scene. But as much as I am looking forward to Advent, the season of hopeful waiting, I am starting to feel a bit anxious about my growing holiday to-do list.
Maybe you are feeling the same way—a bit weary before the busyness of Advent and Christmas even begins? The good news is that Advent is a very special gift for those who are fatigued, disheartened, and weary. Because Jesus wants us to remember that He came to restore peace and rescue the weary.
For the season of Advent, I am giving a FREE Advent prayer journal to my email subscribers. How’s that for a Black Friday deal? Advent Prayers for the Weary Woman will include short Scripture quotes, Christmas carol lyrics, prayers, and pondering questions to keep us close to Jesus this Advent. Together, we will contemplate Jesus’ invitation to come, to wait in hope, and to rest. We will invite Him to give us wisdom with it comes to our holiday to-do list. And we will discover ways to praise Jesus, even when we are struggling.
In addition, beginning this Sunday, I am offering a four-part blog series to keep us encouraged this Advent. The reflections will coordinate with the journal, and it is my hope that we can lift each other up this Advent, as we spend time with the Lord, who wants us to come to Him for rest and refreshment. By Christmas, my prayer is that the weary will rejoice again, all because we took some time to be still in the presence of Jesus.
To receive your free prayer journal, which will arrive in email inboxes this Tuesday (or at the time you subscribe if after Tuesday), click HERE.